
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Music Workshop Leader Training PART 1

During the last two weeks many activities took place: we held another Music Workshop Leader Training in Bethlehem for 30 trainees, two samba percussion workshops in al-Ma'sara and Hebron, a workshop for 30 kindergarten teachers in Ghirass Cultural Center, and 11 music workshops in al-Azzeh refugee camp, Aida refugee camp, a psychiatric hospital and a center for children with cancer and other severe illnesses. Indeed, too many activities for one blog post! Today I share some pictures from the Music Workshop Leader Training with MwB trainer Christiaan Saris and Fabienne van Eck, pictures from the other events will follow later.

Chris, thank you for your great commitment! We are all very inspired by your beautiful work.

Imagination exercise: walking like a very old man...

Who is giving a secret sign to stop or start clapping?

Warm-up with Chris: taking a shower

Percussion with sticks

Car Dance

8-4-2-1-1-1-1 Dance
Thank you Sineen and Ahmad for making the pictures and thank you HLT for the beautiful training space.

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