“I don't have any money to pay you!”
5-year old Amir puts his hands in his pockets as if he is looking for money. We just gave a music workshop in his kindergarten and somehow he thinks he needs to pay us for the workshop. Little Amir doesn't understand yet that the smiles on his and the other children's faces are worth much more than any money!
After the training in October to become a music workshop leader, the new trainees started their field work by giving music workshops in their communities. Since the training, already more than 800 children and adults took actively part in the workshops and more than 160 mothers, grandmothers, and caretakers watched the workshops. We went to villages like Beit Ur (Ramallah), Tqu'a (South-Bethlehem), and al-Azariyeh, once a suburb of Jerusalem before it was cut off by the wall. We visited kindergartens, schools, and even the al-Quds University in Abu Dis, where we gave a workshop to students of Social Work. In a psychiatric hospital we held a percussion workshop with fifteen men between age 25 to 60 and ten of their caretakers. It didn't take much time before the drum circle became a circle of fun, with all participants clapping, drumming, or dancing in the middle of the circle.
Enjoy the pictures!