
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Article on PNN (Palestinian News Network)

For the ones that can read Arabic, you can click on the following link to read an article about the project.

Since the article was received very well, it will be translated to English soon.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Celebrating Jerusalem the Arab Cultural Capital

On the 21st of March, Bethlehem celebrated “Jerusalem Capital of Arab Culture”. The children of the music group in Aida camp participated in the parade through the old city of Bethlehem to the Manger Square, where they danced and drummed. Soon the group of children became an attraction for the tourists, you can see on the pictures why!

Who we are

We are 15 trainees, age 16-25, from Aida, al-Azzeh and Dheisheh refugee camp.

After the first trainings week in October 2008, we started to give weekly music workshops for children in our refugee camps, guided by Fabienne van Eck (local project manager). Every week we sing, dance, drum, make music and play with the children. Their happiness and enthusiasm gives us the motivation and inspiration to continue and organize extra events for the children, like day trips, (rap) song recordings and participation in cultural festivals.

The weekly workshops for the children are given in Aida, al-Azzeh and Dheisheh camp, in three different cultural centers:

Aida camp
Trainees: Ahmad, Fadi, Maher and Ramzi
Al Rowwad Cultural and Theatre Training Center:

Al-Azzeh camp
Trainees: Khaldoun, Merna, Naji and Osama
Beit Jibrin Cultural Center – Handala:

Dheisheh camp
Trainees: Anas, Ahmad, Bassam, Dia', Hisham, Mohammad and Yusuf
Ibdaa Cultural Center:

We come together regularly for workshops in music, non-violence, communication and games, given by Rana Hayek from Holy Land Trust ( and the trainers of MwB.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Second music training

At the end of February the second music training took place in Ibdaa center (Dheisheh). It was a very inspiring week for everybody. Trainer Otto de Jong was happily surprised by the progress of all trainees. During the week, one day Haytham Safia came to Bethlehem to give a workshop and a small concert.